Posts Tagged “New Haven County Spray Foam Insulation”

What are Spray Foam and Fiberglass Insulation?

Posted on April 17th, 2015 by Ferocious Digital

Home insulation is one of the best ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home – just in time for Earth Day.  However, there are several different types of home insulation.  Depending on your home’s needs and your budget, one type of insulation might be more beneficial for you.  We would like to help […]

This Spring Keep Bugs Out of Your Home with Garage Insulation

Posted on April 13th, 2015 by Ferocious Digital

Are you excited for warmer weather?  As we move into the late spring and summer months, it’s important to keep your home well insulated.  Not only does insulation help lower your energy bills and keep your home more comfortable, it can also keep pests at bay.  Here are a few ways to keep bugs out […]

How to Check For Insulation In Your Walls

Posted on March 26th, 2015 by Ferocious Digital

Did you know that a lot of older homes don’t have insulation?  This can have a huge impact on your energy bills, as well as the comfort of your home.  Now that it’s finally spring, it’s time to start thinking about home improvement projects.  Here are a few tips to help you check for insulation […]

Learn More About Spray Foam Insulation

Posted on March 16th, 2015 by Ferocious Digital

Did you know that nearly 50% of conditioned air is lost from insulation gaps in your home?  This means high heating and cooling bills for you and your family.  Spray Foam Insulation is one of the best ways to insulate your home.   It helps seal nooks and crannies and reduces air leaks, keeping your […]

Understanding the Wall Foam Insulation Process

Posted on March 9th, 2015 by Ferocious Digital

Ready to improve your home’s energy efficiency with wall foam insulation?  Tripolymer® Foam Insulation is one of the best ways to keep your home at a comfortable temperature and prevent energy loss! Fortunately, the installation process is simple and quick.  Here is a little bit of information on the process and what you can expect […]

Customer Reviews

Good Experience
"We used Good Life and had a good experience. We did the entire house Tripolymer foam in between the exterior framing. Our energy bills reduced considerably and the noise barrier is great."

-Tracy B Ridgefield, CT

Don't Worry & Don't Hesitate
"I am about a few weeks out of my exterior wall insulation, attic spray foam and garage insulation. I feel the big difference in my home. My home is warmer and holds the heat. Tom was very straight forward and upfront. He was my point person for the three day project. He was exceptional. From the initial quote to project completion. After the completion of the insulation, I experienced a strong and significant spray foam smell coming through my bathroom AC flex duct. Tom asked Mike, his operation manager, to come out and check it out the next day. There turn out to be a large hole in my duct. And he fixed it without hesitation. Plus he accidentally broke a spong holder and gave me money for it. I was very please to report the smell instantly disappeared. Also the back office Lindsay and Jeanine who helped me with the the paperwork was phenomenal. Very impressed with the efficiency and diligence. Overall, cannot recommend enough. Don't worry and don't hesitate."

-Michelle L. Stamford, CT