How Spray Foam Insulation Can Help You Save Money This Holiday Season

Posted on on November 25th, 2015

spray foam insulation new haven county

The holiday season is here!  As you start planning out your family festivities, shopping for loved ones, and celebrating with holiday cheer, many of us will also be looking for ways to save.  Why not start with your home?  Well-insulated walls, floors, attics and basements don’t just keep your home warm, they can also help you save!  Here are a few reasons why you should add spray foam insulation to your home this holiday season.

Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation:

  • Create a Thermal Envelope – Spray foam insulation helps prevent air leaks.  While typical homes lose 50% of conditioned air, spray foam insulation dramatically reduces air leaks by sealing all of the nooks and crannies in the walls of your home.
  • Prevent Allergies – No one wants to be sick during the holidays.  Spray foam insulation helps prevent condensation, which is key to preventing mold growth.
  • Save Money – Of course, the biggest benefit to switching to spray foam insulation is that you’ll save money.  By making your home more energy-efficient, you’ll be spending less on your home heating bills.

Ready to add Spray Foam Insulation to your home?  Learn more about Good Life Energy Savers and the services we offer on our website.  You can also give us a call at 203-297-6337.  Our professionals will discuss any concerns you may have about your home insulation and help you determine if spray foam insulation is the right choice for your home insulation.

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Customer Reviews

Work Was Done Well
"I got several estimates from several providers. The pricing seemed just ok with those other providers but something seemed off. Good Life came in and made sure that I was getting the correct amount of insulation (where the other service providers had under estimated) and helped me to get into a loan through the utility company for the cost of the insulation. Good life is a qualifying contractor for this and it saved me a lot of out of pocket expense. They came in and did what they had to do. They were professional and made sure the work was done well."

-John S. Milford, CT

Good Experience
"We used Good Life and had a good experience. We did the entire house Tripolymer foam in between the exterior framing. Our energy bills reduced considerably and the noise barrier is great."

-Tracy B Ridgefield, CT