Why Home Insulation Is Important Through All the Seasons

Posted on on January 21st, 2016

Window in home interior with view of four seasons

It’s cold outside – and that means that homeowners will be looking for new ways to save on their home heating costs.  That’s why it’s so important that homeowners check to make sure that they have sufficient home insulation.  It’s more than just a way to improve your home’s energy-efficiency, it also helps keep your home comfortable year-round.  Whether you are looking to keep your home warm in the winter or cool in the summer, home insulation helps heat and cool your home more effectively.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, your home heating and cooling system accounts for about 48% of your home energy use.  In well insulated homes – you can reduce this by as much as 50%!

Home insulation helps seal any leaks in your home.  By insulating your walls, attic, ceilings, and floors, you can keep cold air outdoors on winter days and warm air inside.  During the summer, it has the opposite effect!  The insulation helps keep your cooler, air conditioned air indoors.

If you have any questions about your home insulation, don’t hesitate to contact our professionals.  At Good Life Energy Savers, we can help you choose their right insulation for your home needs.  With home insulation, you can keep your home comfortable no matter what the season!

Visit our website to learn more about the services that Good Life Energy Savers has to offer or call us directly at 203-297-6337.

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Customer Reviews

Huge Difference!
"We talked, liked what I heard, believe and trusted Mark...and the insulation started flowing. Huge difference! Highly recommend.

-Bill H. Ridgefield, CT

Huge Noise Reduction
"I have noticed a huge difference in the amount of street noise I can hear - it has significantly reduced. We have had some hot & humid days already and I haven't had to run my air conditioning unit yet."

-Deb C. Wethersfield, CT