What are Spray Foam and Fiberglass Insulation?

Posted on on April 17th, 2015

spray_foam_1Home insulation is one of the best ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home – just in time for Earth Day.  However, there are several different types of home insulation.  Depending on your home’s needs and your budget, one type of insulation might be more beneficial for you.  We would like to help you to better understand the differences between spray foam insulation and fiberglass insulation.

Spray Foam Insulation

Polyurethane Spray Foam Insulation provides the best insulating performance possible.  It fills all of the spaces in your attic, basement, crawl spaces, and walls.  It seals your home and creates a healthier living environment.  Once applied, spray foam insulation foms a virtually airtight thermal envelope.

Fiberglass Insulation

Fiberglass insulation is used in traditional batting.  However, this batting is an inefficient way to insulate your home.  Batting leaves openings that allow for air leakage, making your home less energy-efficient.  As an alternative, we offer blown in fiberglass insulation that helps protect your home by filling in all of the nooks and crannies.

Learn more about the types of insulation available to you on our website or contact one of our professional technicians by calling 203-297-6337.  We can help you determine the type of insulation that will be best for your home .

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Customer Reviews

Toasty Warm Home
"We were very impressed with Mark’s presentation. We knew immediately that we wanted to use his company. Our home is toasty warm. Our initial contact with Lindsey, to the installers and Mark have been above par! Without hesitation we would recommend Good Life to anyone needing professionals that care and are responsive."

-Sarah S. Norwalk, CT

Immediate Improvement
"We noticed an immediate change in the performance and building envelope. We are much warmer, less drafty and quieter."

-Luke E. Ridgefield, CT