What is R-Value?
R stands for Resistance. R-Value is used to measure the effectiveness of insulation by measuring the Resistance to the passage of heat through the walls and ceilings of a home.
Why Foam Insulation?
Spray Foam (open and closed cell) insulation have the highest R-Values of all insulation products
We can apply Spray foam to open areas, such as attic rafters, open wall cavities (before sheetrock), basement and crawl space ceilings and rim joists. When you buy Spray Foam insulation you are buying a higher R-Value, which means you are getting better insulation!
How Much Better?
For Attics & Basements as well as New Construction Walls: Spray Foam insulation will provide you with the highest R-Values and air sealing capabilities. Fiberglass batts have an R-Value of about 3.5 per inch, but they do not air seal. Spray foam provides a permanent barrier to air flow and heat loss. Spray Foam products, depending on the open or closed cell composition, range from about 4.0 per inch to over 6.0 per inch. Visit our Spray Foam Insulation Products and Spray Foam FAQs to compare R-Values for some of the open and closed cell Spray Foam insulation brands we use and where they would be typically applied in your home.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 80% of the homes built before 1980 are not considered well insulated. Many of these homes have no little or no insulation, since building codes did not require minimum insulation at that time. Because of our installation process, if you have an existing home with little or no insulation or even if you have underperforming insulation in your walls today, you can dramatically improve your home’s R-Value without tearing down existing wall structures or undertaking major home remodeling projects.
The following map shows the U.S. Department of Energy’s minimum recommended* R-Values for newly constructed wood framed homes in various climates.

*These recommendations are based on the best available information on local fuel and materials costs, and weather conditions. Consequently, the levels may differ from current local building codes.
Get started with a FREE in-home estimate to explore your options & learn how much you can save with insulation from Good Life Energy Savers.