Prevent Home Heating Nightmares with Spray Foam Insulation

Posted on on October 30th, 2015

iStock_000019533092_MediumBetween scary movies and spooky decorations, Halloween is a holiday full of tricks and treats!  However, there a few nightmares you’ll definitely want to avoid this Halloween as the weather begins to cool.  Now you can avoid high energy bills by updating your home with Spray Foam Insulation!

How Does Spray Foam Insulation Help?
Spray foam insulation minimizes the effects of heat loss or gain in a home.  It is a high performance insulation that that completely fills every open space in your walls, attic, basement, and crawlspace.  Within seconds, you can create a thermal, sound and condensation barrier surrounding your home!

For homeowners, this high performance insulation means that the money spent on heating your home on cold nights will not go to waste.  Spray Foam Insulation eliminates air leaks, keeping warm air indoors where it belongs, and cold air outside.  Homes that are not insulated with Spray Foam Insulation typically lose about 50% of conditioned air through gaps and cracks in the walls.  Spray Foam Insulation creates a virtually airtight thermal envelope, leaving you with significant energy savings.

Learn more about Good Life Energy Savers and the services we offer on our website.  You can also give us a call at 203-297-6337.  Our professionals will discuss any concerns you may have about your home insulation and help you determine what the best choice will be for your home.

Don’t forget to follow us on our social media pages for more energy saving tips and insulation news.

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Customer Reviews

Don’t have to use AC
"They worked very efficiently and the crew leader Mike explained to me very clearly about the whole process before the work got started. They did what they say they’d do and I am very happy with them. We are having a third heat wave (90+ *F) in NY and I don't have to use AC as much as the year before."

-Newton, C. Ossining, NY

Work Was Done Well
"I got several estimates from several providers. The pricing seemed just ok with those other providers but something seemed off. Good Life came in and made sure that I was getting the correct amount of insulation (where the other service providers had under estimated) and helped me to get into a loan through the utility company for the cost of the insulation. Good life is a qualifying contractor for this and it saved me a lot of out of pocket expense. They came in and did what they had to do. They were professional and made sure the work was done well."

-John S. Milford, CT