Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly with Insulation

Posted on on July 20th, 2015


Want to make your home more eco-friendly this summer?

With a few simple updates to your home and changes to your daily habits, it’s easy to reduce your carbon footprint!  As you upgrade to more efficient, EnergyStar appliances, start recycling, and reduce your home water use – don’t forget about your insulation!


Spray foam insulation and loose fill insulation are two of the best ways to improve energy efficiency at home.

Home insulation makes your home more eco-friendly by:

  • Keeping warm air outside on hot and humid summer days
  • Keeping cool and air conditioned air inside

Unlike batting, spray foam insulation fills all of the nooks and crannies of your wall.  This helps prevent energy loss and helps improve the air quality in your home.  When your home is more efficient and preventing heat gain during the summer months, your HVAC system won’t have to use as much energy to keep your home comfortable and cool.

Thinking of making some eco-friendly updates to your home this summer?  Contact Good Life Energy Savers with any questions you have about the types of home insulation available to you and they will make your home more energy-efficient.  Call 203-297-6337 to contact our office for more information.

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Customer Reviews

Cleaned Up Well
"Cleaned up well, and put everything back together so couldn't tell anything was done. Installed spray foam in one day."

-Ron B. Pawling, NY

Highly recommend!
"Spray foam insulation in condo building. Very attentive workers, clean and complete work... highly recommend them."

-Michael H. Bethel, CT