Here’s What You Can Do To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality with Insulation

Posted on on February 26th, 2015

iStock_000003910501_LargeDo you suffer from allergies?  You’re not alone.  Dust, mold and mildew commonly leave people feeling tired and congested.

Fortunately, there are ways to help keep unwanted pollutants out of your home!  Spray Foam Insulation helps keep your home sealed, improving the overall comfort and health of your family.  Not only does sealing your home improve it’s energy-efficiency, but you will also keep out unwanted allergens.

Spray Foam Insulation thermally seals your home, filling each cavity with insulation.  Unlike batting, there are no leftover nooks and crannies.  This reduces air infiltration, and keeps dust, mold and mildew out of your home.  Spray Foam Insulation provides a draft-free environment and improves your indoor air quality.  With no harmful emissions, you and your family can live comfortably.

If you are interested in how Spray Foam Insulation can improve the health and comfort of your home, visit our website!  You can also contact Good Life Energy Savers by calling 203-297-6337.  Our technicians can help you bring comfort, savings and energy efficiency to your home.

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"It is wonderful to have found such a professional company in existence in today’s mad corporate world! Thank you for an excellent job – all around!"

-Sonia S. Fairfield, CT

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"Both the sales rep and installers were on time! Everyone I dealt with were friendly and personable."

-Elizabeth F Naugatuck, CT