Home insulation plays an important role in keeping your home comfortable during the summer months. Here are a few of the ways that your home insulation will work to keep your home cool this summer.
How Home Insulation Cools:
- It Fills Cracks and Gaps – Home insulation fills cracks and gaps in the walls of your home. This helps keep warm air outside during the summer months, and cool, conditioned air indoors.
- It Provides a Barrier – Home insulation provides an extra barrier between the interior of your home and the air outside. This means that your home will be more energy efficient because less air will be passing through the walls, attic, and ceiling of your home.
You can also learn more about how insulation will keep your home cool this summer by calling our office at 203-297-6337. Our professional technicians are happy to answer any questions you have about improving the energy efficiency of your home.
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